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Our Services for Investors and Medical Startups


By using our original methods together with a systematic review of the available peer-reviewed literature, we can contextualize a therapeutic innovation in the current treatment landscape. 

Our ultimate goal is to advise in favour or against a potential investment strategy on a specific therapeutic innovation.

A brief example on how to contextualize a medication and/or evaluate competitors:


We have implemented a peer-reviewed method for individual survival data extraction from published survival graphs without the need to access the original data.


In other words: we can extrapolate time to event data (PFS, death, etc.) for each individual patient with a 99.9% accuracy by relying on published survival graphs. This allows us to work and meta-analyze such data without the need for a collaboration agreement nor an NDA with the initial investigators.


We can use the data we extrapolate to compare, for example, how a medication from a phase II study would perform against currently approved ones, thus estimating the chances of approval.


(Original curve: Bajorin et al. NEJM.  2021   Vs.  Reconstructed curve: Oltre. 2022)

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Our Services for Pharmaceutical Companies

or Academia

How we can assist you:

  • Leverage original research methods validated in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals.


  • Provide innovative and non-conventional statistics, and artificial intelligence
    in order to refine Study Design & Analysis and optimize research outcomes.


  • Advise on course of action, ideation, and implementation of therapeutic
    innovations, medical writing and how to best present your data.


  • Assess value of business propositions.


  • Protect and patent your therapeutic innovation.

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For your Research Question or your Clinical Trial: 

I.   Study Design

II.   Ad Interim

III.   Post Hoc Analysis

IV.   Post Market Analysis

a)   Contextualize novel medication in the current treatment landscape
b)   Assess competitors efficacy in terms of duration of response, time on               treatment, progression, cancer specific and overall survival
c)   Choose optimal control arm and patient candidate
d)   Power analysis
e)   Choose the optimal study design
f)    Advise on the optimal primary and secondary endpoint

g)   Ad-interim analysis to check for futility or early termination
h)   Evaluation of informative censoring
i)    Evaluation of the likelihood of trial success based on survival surrogates
j)    Protocol amendments

k)   Evaluation of informative censoring
l)    Definition of meaningful surrogate endopints
m)  Subgroups analyses

n)   Evaluation of potential and actual market penetration
o)   Evidence about the effectiveness, long-term outcomes and safety of                  interventions from real-world data

Website design by Arch. Michele Verdi.

Version 2.2023

OLTRE Medical Consulting LLC

Toulouse, France

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